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    Malaysia – Land of the Jungles

    Given its rather modest size, Malaysia packs in a fascinating mix of diverse cultures. The young nation has made significant economic progress and Kuala Lumpur, its capital city, rivals some of the…

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    Monkey Business at Batu Caves, Malaysia

      Batu Caves is one of the most popular Hindu shrines to be found outside India, and draws several thousand visitors a year, with the numbers rising during the annual Thaipusam…

  • Adventures With Nature In Malaysia

    Malaysia is a fascinating country with rich bio diversity and magnificent landscapes that vary from rugged mountains to verdant rain forests to pristine beaches and gigantic caves. If you looking for an active…

  • Kota Kinabalu National Park – A Photo Story

    A UNESCO Heritage site Kinabalu National Park is literally and figuratively overshadowed by the towering Mt Kinabalu, one of South East Asia’s highest peaks. While the latter draws a large number…

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    5 Cities, 5 Walks

    Undoubtedly the best way to explore any place is by foot with a guide book, audio guide, unplanned ambling or on a walking tour. The most unexpected of experiences and amazing…

  • A Walk Through Ipoh’s Heritage Trail

    Do you know how your city / town / village got its name? Ipoh one of the largest cities in Malaysia was named after the a local tree – Pohon Epu…

  • Sabah Museum, Kota Kinabalu

    A trip to Borneo is never complete without a visit to one of the museums dedicated to preserving the history and traditions of the many tribes or the original inhabitants of…

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    Brewing Art in Ipoh, Malaysia

    Just as I turn a corner on the streets of Ipoh in Malaysia, I lock eyes with an old man holding a cup of coffee. We held each other’s gaze. His…

  • Felda Residence Hot Springs, Malaysia

    As part of the trip to Malaysia with Tourism Malaysia in March this year, we were taken for a visit to the Felda Hot Springs Residence. Hot springs are quite a…